<aside> 👉 For web3 communities, Passage Protocol is infra for on-chain membership programs.
Communities drive crypto's phenomenal growth, yet they are severely under-tooled. Without Passage, web3 communities rely solely on limited token primitives and manual intervention to manage members leading to problems like accessibility & churn.
So, Passage provides a full stack of building blocks and game design tools to help [social tokens, DAOs, dApps, NFT projects] make & run whatever incentive program they want.
📜 Please review our core values 📬 DM Zac if interested in learning more about joining Passage as an investor 🗒️ *Longer form memo available upon request*
"Through Blockchain or other Innovative Technologies, we are exploring how to tokenize our rewards program"
"Every web3 community will need to think about game design as a core competency." Carra Wu